

唐娜•科恩,应用设计副教授,拥有学士学位.S. 来自康奈尔大学人类生态学院, and a master's in industrial design from the Rhode Island School of Design. She has worked with the Boston Center for Independent Living as a designer and builder of devices for people with physical disabilities. Her design process emphasized collaboration with the end user and the use of low-cost tools and materials. This way of working continues to inform her current design practice and teaching.

2002年起在365体育投注网任教, her courses emphasize consideration of practical problems that directly impact communities, 搭配动手迭代设计. Her professional work, personal life, and teaching are deeply intertwined. She builds curriculum around design challenges on the 罕布什尔学院 campus as well as local community groups. 她在365体育投注网青年联系组织工作, planning and effecting programming to introduce underserved youth to the college experience. 

In 2013, she received a Grand Challenges Explorations grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop and field test prototypes of a low-cost pearl millet thresher for use in sub-Saharan Africa. This project evolved out of discussions with a former student then working in Namibia. Cohn brought the project to the 2008 International Design for Development Summit (IDDS) held at M.I.T. and has continued design work over numerous semesters of her Appropriate Technology classes. 脱粒机的文件可以在 www.网站.365体育投注网.edu/pearlmilletthresher.   

Her other interests include rearranging and putting things into and onto soil, 生态可持续技术, 狗, 猫, 还有其他动物.


  • Design Fundamentals: This is an introductory level design class focusing on understanding problems, 产生想法并开发实用的优雅解决方案. 我们将从一系列指导性活动和项目开始, 这门课最终会以一个独立的项目结束. Students will become familiar with a range of basic design tools and skills, 比如绘图, 计算机辅助设计, 模型制作, 用纸板等材料制作原型, 金属和塑料. Throughout the course students will work toward improving visual communication skills and the ability to convey ideas. 关键词:设计, 制造, Center for Design This course could be used to fulfill the Division II Project requirement

  • This class is a collaboration between 罕布什尔学院 faculty 唐娜•科恩 and Division II student Luka Eriksen. We will start the semester by learning and practicing the techniques of traditional broom making that Luka learned while enrolled at Berea College in Kentucky. We will gather natural materials from surrounding local habitats. 我们将制作实用的扫帚, to a chosen specific task that can also be beautiful works of art. 我们将探索手工制作的意义和价值, 使用可再生材料, and practices that have little negative impact on the environment. We will also look at other examples of broom making - the medium and high-volume production of inexpensive brooms. This class will involve a combination of reading, writing and making objects. Each student will do a final project which involves designing and making an object, 要么出售, 以物易物或作为礼物赠送. 关键词:扫帚;设计;工艺

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  • 我们将学习如何构建移动的东西! 使用线, 金属板, 纸, 木, 以及一系列其他媒体, 研究建立机制. We will contemplate the basic ingredients of mechanical forces and motion such as bearings, 摄像头, 曲柄, 齿轮传动比等. Each student will develop an independent project that incorporates some type of physical motion. 欢迎所有水平的经验, 但是学生们应该习惯使用手工工具, able to devote 6 - 10 hours a week outside of scheduled class time working on projects. KEYWORDS:fabricate, design, mechanical, art, independent project

  • 看马, No Hands: An introductory design class focused on assistive technology: We will learn about some of the practical and ordinary problems faced by individuals who do not have full use of their hands or arms, 然后设计, 制造和协作设计辅助设备. 项目可能是为孩子们准备的, or adults with temporary injuries/conditions or ongoing physical disabilities. We will also examine the concept of "Universal Design" - designing in a way that gracefully accommodates the range of human experience. 本课程将培养学生解决问题的能力, visual communication skills and a wide range of 制造 skills. There will be opportunities to work with the full range of materials and tools available in the Center for Design shop - such as metals, 塑料和基础电子产品. 课程将包括每周的设计作业, 演讲嘉宾, 阅读, 电影欣赏, 关于设计过程本身的讨论, 还有一个大项目.

  • Appropriate Technology in the World: This course will look at the issues involved with design and 制造 in low-resource situations. Students will engage in the hands-on study and design of technologies considered appropriate for less developed and small-scale local economies - parts of the world that are the first to feel the effects of climate change. What can we learn and apply from designing with a minimum impact attitude? 主题将包括水质, 人力货物运输, 能源生产, 食物储存和制备, 轮椅技术. We will consider factors that make for successful adoption and widespread use of appropriate technologies. This semester we will partner with Pauline Dongala and the Old Stone Mill in North Adams, MA. Students will have the opportunity to learn about what is needed in Pauline's home village of Bikie in the Republic of Congo, 定制多用途升级自行车, making them strong enough to carry multiple riders or large loads of material. 关键词:设计,加工,设计中心

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